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Operation: Iron Curtain with SSGT May Corporal Detour

There are still spots available to join Operation: Iron Curtain with SSGT May and Corporal Detour

Join SSGT May and Corporal Detour for an unforgettable day!

The event will include safety training and combat simulation exercises.

Event Date: December 16

Time: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Meeting Point: On campus at 8:00 am

Pickup Time: 7:00 pm at SCA

Meals: Lunch and dinner will be provided. Please ensure your cadet has breakfast prior to drop-off.

Transportation to and from Tac City Airsoft is included.

Please note that the gear list will be distributed following the Thanksgiving break, ensuring everyone is well-prepared for the event.

To purchase, please email

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