St. Catherine Academy cadets live under the four Dominican Pillars: Community, Ministry, Study, and Prayer. A cadet who is given the honor of "Cadet of the Month" has gone above and beyond to meet and exemplify these pillars in their everyday life.
In December, we had three Cadets of the Month: Kevin L., Lucas C., and Nathan C.
"I’m really proud of myself for earning this honor," said Kevin. "I did a lot to show leadership within my company and welcomed our new cadets to our school."
A cadet must be nominated by their company leader to be named Cadet of the Month. Kevin had earned the honor before, but this was the first for Lucas and Nathan.
“I’m really excited and happy to be chosen because it was a surprise when I heard my name be called,” said Lucas. “I think helping the new cadets in December helped me get this honor. It shows that I care about our school.”