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We provide a junior boarding school experience unlike any other.

Focused on Junior Boarders (4th – 8th Grade)

As the only California boarding school to accommodate students in 4th - 8th grade, SCA has a special focus on the needs of junior boarding students. While attending a boarding school will increase the maturity and responsibility of your son, students in this age group need extra support to live away from home. Our unique boarding program includes 24-hour supervision, daily study hall, and lots of organized activities.


5-Day Boarding

SCA offers a unique 5-day boarding program for students in 4th - 8th grade. In this program, students reside on campus from Sunday evening through Friday afternoon and return home on weekends for quality time with family.

Five-day boarders benefit from all of the advantages of our boarding program, including structure, additional academic support, and being part of a diverse community.

Why choose 5-day boarding?

  • You want your son to have the advantages of an SCA education but live too far to make the daily commute.

  • Your son would benefit from added structure and routine during the school week without distractions, such as television and technology.

  • Your son excels in the classroom but his grades slip because he has difficulty with homework or lacks the motivation to do at-home projects.

  • You want your son to advance in maturity and personal responsibility in preparation for high school.


Parents are responsible for coordinating transportation to and from St. Catherine's Academy each week.


7-Day Boarding

SCA's 7-day boarding program is open to students in 4th - 8th grade. In this program, students reside on campus throughout the school year and return home for the spring, winter, and summer vacations.

Seven-day boarders enjoy a rich educational experience that includes structure, additional academic support, cultural activities, and being part of a diverse community.

Why choose 7-day boarding?

  • You want your son to have the advantages of an SCA education but live too far to make the daily or weekly commute.

  • You want your son to experience an international community of students and form friendships with a diverse group of young men.

  • You want your son to grow in maturity and personal responsibility in preparation for high school.

International Community

Our 7-day boarding program attracts students from all over the world who want to learn English and experience life in America. Within our close-knit residential community, students develop an understanding for other cultures and learn to relate to one another. We invite international families to visit the international section of our website to learn more about this unique program.

Activities and Field Trips

Elementary and middle school boys are very active. Our boarding program provides many opportunities for weekend outings and campus activities to keep students occupied outside of school and study time. Our central location in Southern California offers many opportunities for fun and educational activities, including Disneyland, Universal Studios, state beaches and parks, sporting events, and more.


About SCA's Boarding Program

Boarding students at St. Catherine's Academy benefit from a boarding program designed specifically for younger students. This means 24-hour supervision, lots of structured activities, and plenty of support as students live away from home for the first time.

Students live in one of four large dormitories, each with about 15-20 students. A resident care provider staffs each dorm to supply careful supervision, nurturing guidance, and a parental figure. Students are expected to keep their personal space tidy, prepare their uniforms each day, and work together to complete chores. They also have time to play games, watch movies, and just hang out to form lasting friendships.

Admissions Team

Our admissions team is here to help you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to working with your family!


Ms. Deisy Escobedo

Director of Admissions

714-772-1363 x154

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